For All Your End of Life Expenses Life Insurance can Help

Many people don’t contemplate or even consider life insurance until well into adulthood. In many situations, these individuals wait until the later stages of life to contemplate life insurance plans. Realistically, this is comprehensible as not many twenty or thirty-year-olds reflect much on the end of their lives. However, practically waiting to get life insurance could reduce the advantages of having life insurance. If you require life insurance solutions in the Matthews, NC area, the expert and amicable crew at JC Demo Insurance Group can aid you.

Life Insurance: For Your End-of-Life Expenditures and More

The cost of everything is escalating, and the cost of end-of-life expenditures is no exception. Expenses from the headstone to the burial plot, the casket, burial service expenses, and funeral services today can cost thousands of dollars, with many easily surmounting ten thousand dollars. Indeed, this is the primary reason for life insurance, to alleviate the additional financial hardship during challenging times like these, which your loved ones and those you care about should not have to endure. Fortunately, life insurance is available to assist with those costs, burdens, and concerns. It is never too late, or too early, to acquire life insurance or the benefits and peace of mind it can offer.

For Life Insurance Solutions in Matthews, NC

If you reside in or around the Matthews, NC, area and need life insurance or have inquiries about life insurance, our proficient and helpful team at the JC Demo Insurance Group is here to cater to all your life insurance necessities, inquiries, and solutions. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment for the insurance your life requires and merits today.

Tips for Choosing a Beneficiary for Your Life Insurance Policy

What is a Beneficiary?

Your beneficiary is an individual, trust, or entity that you declare to receive the financial aspects of your estate and life insurance policy. The recipient is the person who is legally entitled to receive funds after your passing. Here are some tips from our JC Demo Insurance Group experts in Matthews, NC.

Tips For Selecting a Beneficiary

Selecting a beneficiary is a serious and personal decision and is different for every person. In some situations, you might want to have your death benefits help loved ones financially. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a beneficiary.

Insurable Interest

The person you name as your beneficiary must have an insurable interest or be financially dependent on you. This can be a spouse or child as long as they have a legitimate financial interest in you.

Age Qualifications

Many insurance providers won’t pay out benefits to individuals under the age of 18. However, a trust can be created for minors to hold the funds and manage the account until the age you specify in your policy is reached.

Ability to Manage Finances

To be eligible properly, your beneficiary must be able to handle and manage finances. If they are not of an age where they can handle this, establish a trust and dictate a trustee to disburse and invest funds on their behalf.

Have a Contingency

Should your primary beneficiary pass away before you do, be sure to name a secondary beneficiary, known as a contingency. This allows the secondary individual to claim the policy without having to go through probate.

Get Your Arrangements in Order Today

While planning these details can seem challenging, it is essential to consider your beneficiary. If you need guidance or a life insurance policy, contact us at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC.

Business Insurance Solutions for Pharmacies

If you’re a business owner or manager, you’ll want to protect your business with the suitable types and insurance amounts. If you are in the Matthews, NC, area, we encourage you to contact our JC Demo Insurance Group, Inc. team. We have provided insurance solutions for North Carolina and South Carolina businesses for over 20 years. To give an example of how we customize insurance for the many industries we work with, here are some of the policies needed by a pharmacy.

Property insurance is essential for a pharmacy to cover damage incurred to its building by fire, disaster, theft, or vandalism. A pharmacy can repair or replace the building or its damaged equipment with property insurance. While any business needs liability coverage to prevent financial loss in case a client is injured or harmed by their product or at their office, a pharmacy is more likely to cause harm due to the nature of their business inadvertently. Since pharmaceutical products directly impact a client’s health, this results in an additional potential to cause harm.

Businesses are required to protect their employees, and pharmacies are no exception. Workers’ compensation insurance can provide coverage for medical treatment if clients are injured on the job. Many NC clients have found they can best address all their needs with one of our Business Owners’ Packages. Those customized packages combine liability and property insurance to streamline your coverage. 

Call Us Today for an Appointment 

Pharmacies are only one of the types of businesses we work with. At JC Demo Insurance Group, Inc., clients in the Matthews, NC, area can learn about and purchase insurance suitable for their unique needs. Call us for an appointment to discuss your insurance needs and protect your business’ assets.

Do You Need Commercial Insurance Products If You Have a Home-Based Business?

While a home-based business in Matthews, NC provides convenience and flexibility, recognizing your insurance needs is critical. JC Demo Insurance Group is at your service to clarify whether commercial insurance is necessary for your home venture.

Assessing Your Business Risks

Your business faces potential risks despite operating from home, such as property damage or liabilities, which could disrupt your venture. Commercial insurance is essential as homeowner’s insurance often doesn’t cover business-related losses.

Limitations of Homeowner’s Insurance

Homeowners insurance is designed to cover residential property liabilities and personal items. Typically, it excludes any claim related to business activities. Hence, relying solely on your homeowner’s policy could expose your business to financial losses.

Commercial Insurance for Home-Based Entrepreneurs

Tailored commercial insurance products provide comprehensive coverage for home-based businesses. Property insurance covers your business equipment, inventory, and supplies at home. Liability insurance protects against lawsuits resulting from damages or injuries related to your business.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is indispensable if your home-based business involves providing services or advice. Known as errors and omissions insurance, this coverage safeguards against negligence, mistake, or omission claims.

Protecting your home-based business investment with the correct insurance coverage is essential, even with the added convenience and flexibility. JC Demo Insurance Group is committed to helping Matthews, NC home-based entrepreneurs navigate their insurance needs effectively. Contact us today to explore tailor-made commercial insurance solutions for your business.

Three Reasons to Talk to Your Agent About Life Insurance Updates

Whether you are a first-time subscriber or looking to update your existing policy, life insurance is a significant consideration for those in the Matthews, NC area. JC Demo Insurance Group understands the unpredictable nature of life and the importance of protecting your family. Here are three key scenarios where consultation with our agents is necessary for life insurance updates.

Marital Status Changes

Marriage, divorce, or the necessity to change beneficiaries influences updates in your policy. It’s crucial to list the correct person as your beneficiary. Prompt adjustments assure peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Childbirth or Family Expansion

Welcoming a new child or planning for more can significantly reshape life. You may need extra coverage to ensure family protection. Consulting an insurance agent simplifies these adjustments and assures you have appropriate protection for your growing family’s future.

Significant Changes in Employment or Lifestyle

Significant lifestyle or employment changes may require policy updates to maintain your family’s living standards if you pass away. Balancing these new elements with insurance coverage becomes easier with expert guidance.

For any reasons necessitating changes to your life insurance policy in the Matthews, NC area, contact JC Demo Insurance Group. We are here to ensure you and your family confidently navigate the complexities of life with the proper insurance protection.

How Term Life Insurance Works

When you want a life insurance policy to take care of your loved ones when you’re gone, you’ll have some choices to make. There are two types of insurance that you can pick. Each has its special benefits that could be right for your situation. One of the types is called whole life insurance. This is a policy that you keep for the rest of your life. The other type is called term life insurance. This works in a specified period. When it’s time for life insurance, contact us at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC.

Active for a Term

Term life is called this because it stays active for a stated term. The policy will have in it how many years it will stay good. If you don’t pass away during that period, which may be 10 or 20 years, etc., the policy will expire. Once it has expired, you no longer have a life insurance policy. Some people don’t want to choose this type because it does eventually expire. However, this type of policy comes with a very useful benefit. 

Saving Money 

A term life insurance policy costs much less than the other type of life insurance. It’s often inexpensive, making it a good choice if your budget is small. If you lack money and need life insurance, this policy may be ideal. In many cases, it’s the only affordable option. Many people who can’t afford a whole life policy appreciate having their term life policy. 

Call Us to Get Started

You know you need life insurance, and we can help you. Call us at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, to learn more. 


Update Your Commercial Insurance After A Renovation

Renovating your business may require modifications to your commercial insurance policy. Use the following tips to guide you in updating your coverage.

A List Of Updates

Walk through your place of business and prepare a list of updates. Our JC Demo Insurance Group agents help small and large business owners update existing policies.

The agent who is assigned to you will need to know about the renovations that have been completed. Your list should include the materials that were used and the value of each item that has been added to your business. This information will help the agent determine the amount of coverage you need.

A Consultation

Before you change your insurance policy, meet with one of our agents. During the consultation, you can review your existing policy.

You will also be able to ask questions about the coverage you seek. An agent will ensure that all the upgrades at your place of business are documented in the new policy.

The Claims Process

One of our agents in Matthews, NC will outline the insurance claims process. If a theft occurs at your place of business, you will need to file a claim.

If damage occurs on your commercial property, you will also need to file a claim. Filing a claim is the preliminary step you will need to take to receive funding for repairs.

Some Final Words

You can contact one of our agents who serve Matthews, NC, whenever you have a question about an existing insurance policy. At JC Demo Insurance Group, our agents help clients who own small and large businesses.

How to Pick a Life Insurance Type

Most people will want to leave something to their heirs when they’re gone. A great way to provide this financial assistance to your loved ones is to get a life insurance policy. These policies come in two main types: whole life and term life. Each has its pros and cons, and you need to know what each has to offer before you choose the right policy for you and your family. Call us at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC to get your policy. 

The Length of the Policy

Whole and term life policies differ significantly in how long they stay in force. When you get a term life policy, it stays in effect for only the number of years written into it. This may be something like 20 years. After the policy ends, you are no longer insured. You have to seek out a new life policy. However, when you get a whole life policy, it has a very different period that is good. It stays in effect for your entire life no matter how old you become. Many people appreciate the simplicity of not having to get another policy later. 

The Cost of Your Policy

When you choose a term life policy, it costs less than a whole life policy. With term life, you lock in a low rate while you’re younger. As you age, you still pay that same price for your premiums. However, when you get a whole-life policy, it comes at a higher price. This type of insurance may not suit someone on a tight budget. The rate factors into the age you may attain, so it starts at a high rate and continues that way. 

Get Life Insurance 

No matter which one you choose, we can help. Call us at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC. 

Does Commercial Insurance Protect You Against Theft By Employees?

Commercial insurance is a crucial safeguard for businesses, protecting against various risks. Theft by employees can be a significant concern for business owners. Here’s more information from JC Demo Insurance Group, providing insurance to residents in the greater Matthews, NC area, about whether commercial insurance provides coverage for employee theft and what you can do to protect your business in such situations.

Coverage for Employee Theft

Commercial insurance policies often include coverage for theft committed by employees. This coverage is typically referred to as "Employee Theft" or "Employee Dishonesty" coverage. It can help reimburse the business for financial losses resulting from theft or fraudulent activities carried out by employees.

Limitations and Considerations

It’s essential to understand that employee theft coverage may have limitations. Policies may specify certain conditions, such as the discovery of theft within a specified time frame or requiring proof of the employee’s dishonesty. Additionally, coverage limits can vary, so it’s crucial to assess your business’s needs and choose an appropriate level of coverage.

Commercial insurance can indeed protect your business against theft committed by employees through Employee Theft or Employee Dishonesty coverage. However, the extent of coverage and limitations can vary from policy to policy, so it’s essential to carefully review your insurance contract and discuss your specific needs with your insurance provider. Properly addressing this potential risk can help safeguard your business’s financial stability and reputation. If you’re looking for a new commercial insurance policy that best meets your needs in the greater Matthews, NC area, reach out to JC Demo Insurance Group to find the policy that best meets your needs. Give us a call to get started. 

Do I Need General Liability Policies to Operate an Online Business?

Operating an online business is a great way to secure financial and personal independence with low overhead. However, while online entrepreneurs might enjoy cutting costs wherever possible, one thing you should still consider is general liability insurance.

Do I Need General Liability Insurance to Operate an Online Business?

Our team at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC is experienced at tailoring commercial insurance policies to meet the exact needs of our clients, including those who operate an online-only business. One of the common types of insurance policies such companies need is general liability, and the following is a list of three great reasons why:

  1. Protect against a third-party claim. Brick-and-mortar businesses have a higher risk of bodily injury and property damage claims by third parties, but even if you never interact with a client face-to-face, you can still risk lawsuits. Third parties may initiate a claim against you alleging advertising injury or non-physical personal injury, such as defamation. General liability insurance protects you by covering legal costs and any judgments or settlements you might need to make in such cases.
  2. Meet contractual requirements. Some contracts you might enter with others, such as clients or vendors, will require you to show proof of general liability insurance. This builds trust with them and is a door opener overall for your online business.
  3. Cyber protection add-on policies. General liability insurance policies can include specialty online protections, such as data breaches and cybercrime coverage, that can give you and your clients confidence in your online company.

Learn More By Contacting Our Team at JC Demo Insurance Group

Don’t leave your Matthews, NC business open to lawsuits! Talk to one of our friendly agents at JC Demo Insurance Group today about your commercial insurance options.